Module 2 - 1ed
Teacher Capacity Building Programme
Context Analysis
⏳ TIME ALLOCATED: 60 minutes
What will students participate in?
Each school is (probably) already independently assessing what is the “perimeter” of action of the participatory processes to be deployed in collaboration with their student population.
That is: schools involved in the BePart process are already identifying “what” students will be participating in and what are the areas that can be worked on.
Thanks to this exercise, your understanding of the characteristics of your school can be synthesised and simplified, ready for it to inform the participatory process and for teachers to have an idea about the areas to work on.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel! Most of this information is already available at your school level. Some of it requires you to carry out a personal reflection.
Links to canvas for context analysis
Escola Secundária Paços de Ferreira