Inspirational activities for online workshops
Energisers are useful tools to use when you come back from a break. They are great for reloading energy and having fun.
Object of a specific color
Invite participants to go around and grab an object of a specific color (blue, for example). Ask them to explain their story with that object.
Sharing a photo
Ask participants to search in the internet a photo of a place, monument or sightseeing that is near where they are. Open a collaborative document where they can upload all the photos to create an "Exhibition" (check out our exhibition).
Sharing a photo II
Participants share in the chat a photo from the internet of a place where they would like to be right now!
Unusual use
Ask participants to find an object from their environment of a specific color (red, for example), to bring it and explain to the group what its regular use is, and which other way they can use it (find an unusual way to use it). Invite the participants to use their imaginations!
How are you feeling?
Find a GIF ( that represents how you feel right now and share it with the group (check out our feelings during the extra module workshop).
Strange things
Participants go to their window and bring back a strange thing / picture / incident they noticed.
New Entrance
Each participant leaves the room and re-enter with a clearly-expressed attitude, emotion and intention, approaching another participant who then responds in a way that mirrors or responds to what is being expressed.
Questions via Zoom
- The facilitator asks a specific participant a question.
- The participant answers the question, and then asks a question to another participant who still has the video on. After asking, the participant turns off their camera. This step is repeated until the entire group has the video turned off.
Thanks to Action Synergy for facilitating and sharing these resources!